Hyakunin Kuizu - Survey Questions
Please answer each survey question with the first answer that comes to mind. Don't think about your answers too much...and definitely don't go to Google looking for an answer! There are no wrong answers!

  • Questions are presented in completely random order.
  • Not all people will receive the same questions.
  • You may not answer any one survey question more than once.
  • If you don't have an answer, LEAVE IT BLANK.
  • Bogus answers will be deleted...so if you're just here to screw around, don't waste your time.
  • Please only give one answer per question. (Do not say things like "one or two", "depends", or "I don't know.")

Your responses to these survey questions will be used by the Anime Unscripted™ team as part of the Hyakunin Kuizu game show at an upcoming anime convention.

#: Question:
Name a web site that currently streams anime legally

Name an Anime Boston staff member

How many panels does the typical Anime Boston attendee see over the weekend

Name a popular web comic

Name a recent popular console game

Name a giant robot anime series other than Gundam

Name a current popular manga series

Name something Anime Boston has that PAX East does not

Name something you think you might find in a Japanese vending machine

10  Name a company that licenses anime in the US

11  Name an anime film that has been in theaters in the United States

12  Give the name of a specific place where Anime Boston attendees go for lunch (more specific than "food court" or "outside")

13  In whole dollars, how much do you usually pay for a volume of manga?

14  Name a place where you can buy manga

15  How many hours of sleep will you get the night before Anime Boston?

16  Name a famous Boston landmark

17  Name a Japanese car brand

18  Name a character on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19  Name a popular anime web site other than Anime News Network

20  Name a guest at Anime Boston 2012


22  Name a current popular anime series

23  Name something specific that The Chibi Project has destroyed

24  Name something that's hurting the anime industry

25  Name a current meme

26  Name a Decepticon other than Megatron

27  Name a recent popular game for a portable device

28  Name a character that is "over cosplayed"

29  Name an anime or manga company that is no longer in business

30  Name a manga publisher